So, Bridget, will it be dull Darcy
or dastardly Daniel?

(Daily Mail, Sept 14, 2004, by Laura Benjaminm)

If these pictures are anything to go by, Bridget Jones's luck is changing. Up to now, the chubby thirty-something played by Renee Zellweger has lurched from one disastrous relationship to another.

But in the forthcoming movie Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason, she is shown canoodling with straitlaced barrister Mark Darcy, played by Colin Firth. Then in another scene she is kissing passionately on the floor of her flat with Hugh Grant, in the role of her dastardly ex-boss Daniel Cleaver.

To find out who she ends up with, fans must wait until the film's release in November.

And according to the producers, there's no point trying to get a sneak preview by reading the book. Although the movie is based on Helen Fielding's sequel to the hugely-successful Bridget Jones's Diary, there are apparently many differences between the two. Daniel Cleaver is mentioned only briefly in the novel, while he features extensively in the film. And the ending of the movie varies markedly from the final chapters of the book, say insiders.

Miss Zellweger, 35, regained the weight she originally put on for Bridget Jones's Diary - which made an estimated £26million at the box office - in preparation for the sequel. The Oscar-winning American actress has transformed herself from a size ten to a size 14 and back again twice now to play the role.